Elevate your security with proactive threat detection across all of your digital assets.

Managed detection and response

24/7 monitoring and threat detection

We continuously monitor your IT and OT infrastructure for suspicious activity and identify threats in real-time.

Rapid threat investigation

Our security specialists quickly determine the nature, scope, and impact of detected threats to minimize disruption.

Threat containment and remediation

We contain and neutralize threats, and help you restore normal operations and implement necessary controls to prevent future attacks.

Vulnerability management

We continuously scan your IT and OT infrastructure for vulnerabilities, prioritize them, and work with you to swiftly remediate them.

Threat hunting and analysis

Human analysts proactively search for hidden threats using advanced threat intelligence, behavioral analysis, and data mining techniques.

Security analytics and reporting

We regularly report on your security posture, threat trends, and security investments to inform decision-making and demonstrate compliance..

By using Catalisto’s whole of organization managed detection and response team you can access the latest security technologies and expertise, enabling you and your team to refocus your efforts on core business operations.


Call Us and Change your Security Paradigm.